Malaysian Drama Is More Interesting Than TVB Drama
2008 saw a new time high in Malaysia's political scene. 8th March 2008, the political tsunami finally taught the ever-arrogant BN a lesson. Though the BN still ruling the country by a simple majority, it seems that the Dollah government does not seem to know how to please the people. We were slapped with a 41% petrol price hike (it's still seriously painful to most of us) then come this July a 18% increase of electricity for residence, in which earlier this year Najib brushed off news of price hike in petrol, this indicates that Ministers also human, they do LIE. Our PM also lied, making the tag team of Dollah-Najib Liar Liar. Then we have SAPP issue. More interestingly, read this following article, to believe or not to believe, totally up to you. So much more drama to watch and I cannot wait till the finale.
Sorry for the non-update for the past few days, there is no other reason than work that is keeping me away from other personal stuff. Got to also accompany my girlfriend friend. This morning slept at 4AM, went to this new nightclub in PJ, The Vivo Club (you know those club with overpriced Swing & with GROs sitting with you), blardy tired and sleepy now.
Today after work will be away for Mahjong and over the weekend I participated in some game organized by the Mix.FM Roadrunner team, I won the premiere screening for Run Fatboy Run.
Signing off for now. Though market is bad, I wonder why the corporate sales side (my department) is doing so well. It must be me... AHEM AHEM... must be I am a damn good strategist *perasan* Back to work now... DUH?!?!?
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