Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Bad news for myself and one of my colleague... our bosses already set up a firewall, so we are unable to log in to some of the web application. Affected, MSN Messenger, Hotmail & Yahoo. It is true ar, our productivity dropped when we MSN? I do not understand.


@h S@ said...

coz every boss is thinking the same matter>> do not use company resources to do personal things !

kennethnorman said...

HELL Yeahh!!!
True to some certain extend. It might affectthe productivity but we are wise enough to think what's the best when we have got nothing to do..
Boss ENVY ma, we are IT sawi...so have to lo..but no problem...let me finish up my licking shit 1st,,...i'll be asking for reinforcement..muahahahhaa

kennethnorman said...

Api TerDindinged!!! there gotta be some loophole...n i'll be the next OSAMA in the opit...better watch out..Malaysia Boleh!!

Jacky Cham said...


Don't worry, try using skype.

py said...

hahahaa~~mike!!!!my company too...so i used email to chat~~!!hehehe....outlook express is ok~~just need to keep retrieve~~bit ma fan!!~~hehehe....