Personally, I am not a guru in dating but for me (my 2 cents), the most basic rule, BE YOURSELF, try not to make things complicated by acting like somebody else to impress the other party. Try to understand your date, strike the right conversation at the right time, try not to be much of a "kayu" during the first date. Do not carry the thinking that you want to get something out from the 1st date, be friendly. Be confident with yourself, the way you carry yourself, your words might affect your subsequent dates.

Do not impress by taking her for a 5-stars dinner. Be simple, be modest. If a girl judge you by the restaurant that you are bringing her to or the car that you are driving, by all means, drop her off your list. When deciding the place/restaurant/joint, be a commander, not "apa pun boleh" or leave it to the girl to decide. Just like in dancing move, you lead & command, the girls follow your steps :)
After the first date outing, if she's driving to meet you, make sure you walk her to her car after the outing, wait till she enters into the car, remind her to SMS you when she reaches home. If you are driving your date out, make sure when you drop her off, be sure that she'd entered her house.
The above mentioned is purely my 2 cents, there might be minority of girls disagree with me that I am spoiling the dating market. In fact I learnt a lot from the video below, he's my guru...
Now the question here is, is mikemmery dating?
so do you get your 1st date yet ?? hee~
Aiseh.... and HE had spoken...
Wow, the pictures..... The first one available in Malaysia? SO cute lar got one chocolate is called "lovebug" *giggles* Very, very seducing... The second one looks like some kind of treasure :D Awwww....
Quoted "It's been quite a while since I last went for a date." *Eyes sepet*
In the 1st centenary of his birth
*Ignoring the wierd post above.*
Yes yes, I agree with most that you've mentioned about the dating tip.
But no matter what, I still cant imagine myself dating someone yet.
Now the question here is, when will mikemmery have the next date?
maegen... my first date? long time ago got it already lor :P
princess eileen... spoken, yes... the chocos picture i grabbed fr somewhere... ya, it's been a while since i last went date :P
lapa... wat book is tat?
seizhin... y not dating leh? give urself n ur partner a chance... when is my next date ar? 2 days after the 1st date i went for the 2nd date d :P
mr. bean is ur mentor?? omg...
slowcat... if i can b half of mr.bean, i think i can tackle lots of gals... :P
bro, gentleman style.....i agree....
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