Picture courtesty of theCICAK.com
Still remember the above historical day? I was in Cambodia then and kudos to CNN & Al-Jazeera, I was kept in the loop through news reported about the event. My super salute to all who had come together for the betterment of our next generation.
The blogosphere coverage on this simply marvelous, "they, they, they" want to control us but the technology got its edge over "them, them, them". I can see a NEW Malaysia coming, we do not need rapper politician to represent us, if we would have we would rather opt for TooPhat instead :)You know, the "son in law" call the protesters BERUKS, if we are BERUK, check this out, the Papa of All Beruks.
Hats off to Al-Jazeera, at least you let the world know what is the real political & media state in Malaysia. According to a minister, water cannon & tear gas used to disperse the protesters cannot be considered as the use of force. wtf? What's on your mind? Songkran festival in Malaysia? Check out the 2 part interview from Al-Jazeera here.
Last but not least, I wanna dedicate this song to some of the rappers, brush up your skill my mate...
TMD, CCB....
Lol 'Songkran Festival in Malaysia'.
I repeated the video of the interview several time, and it's a shame how a Minister of Info failed his English.
Might as well talk in Melayu with the Al Jazeera.
there's another one this sunday...
today's rally might interest u too!
Haha...Y others cant hold its own rally and have to be disperse by the FRU 's while the father beruk's youth party can hold its own rally at KLCC and march to the US embassy ???? Also the son of a certain ex PM comments that, sending out a petition is not the right thing to do and not acceptable.
What about one of his member,who also happens to be the son in law of a certain party head/also the one who runs the country, who delivered the petition to the US embassy ? Is it the matter of that , I am in power and I can determine who can do what and who cant do what ???
seizhin... amusing rite?
zewt... ya the Hindraf thingy...
tulips... ya fight for our rights!!!
tanalan... b discreet mate, u a police remember?
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