No one would understand the challenges until he faced it one day. Kenny Sia, Malaysia's top blogger got critisized over the controversial accident post not too long ago. Jeff Ooi, our very own Malaysian blog godfather had himself in a lawsuit for defamation. My blogger friend, Nathaniel Tan got himself arrested for 4 days in jail for a comment posted in his socio-political blog.
And I got myself into hot soup over my over-excessive offensive words used in my 2 post earlier. As much as I regretted over it, my thousand apologies to people I indirectly offended and I PROMISED no more rant about work. In addition to that, I think just like any other bloggers, I would like to pass my message down to all my readers, make it my loyal or anti-mikemmery readers, you have a right to choose to read or not to read the contents here, for my haters there is always a red "X" button on the top of your browser window. This blog is personal and all rumors are untrue, this site will continue to stay, to share & most importantly to get connected.
Along the way, we walked, we fell but we learn and that is why the caption "Failure Today will be your Success Tomorrow" if you know how to correct yourself. Words do not totally reflect a true personality of a person, there is saying "never judge a book by its cover", if this world to be judged by the words they use or speak, then Akon & Avril Lavigne would have been cold-storaged, right? Thanks Terry for the beautiful words you penned over my chatbox, you made my day.
So readers, is Michael harmful or not, you be the judge k. Here's a camwhore pic for all my fans minus the offensive message on my shirt :P ,mikemmery to stay with more interesting stuff & pictures. I promised! Life's Good!!!
ps: This blog is posted @ 10.19pm after office hour and totally personal and got nothing to do with my work or whatsoever.
Mike, not sure what happend to you but personally i dont find any thing offensive of your previous post! Care not what others are criticizing you on. They have a choice to choose to view your blog or not right? Why would they want to crtiticise you if they chose to read it?! And i am 100% behind you on this. Not on the "offensive" part but this is your blog and this is your tunnel of releasing yourself. If each time you have to think twice about what others will criticise you on when blogging, what is the fun of it anymore? You might was well just write it in a diary and that's it! So be yourself, i love your blog! ~Cyn~
Hmmm.... we always say that blog is a personal thing, we can do whatever we want to do... but in fact it is not entirely true. I got friends who warn me not to write about them or friends who feedback that this story is not good or not right. If you read my posts, you will be surprised that I get that kind of feedback right? Haha...
We live in a world full of different personality, some people are very sensitive, but I am happy to say that most people are open-minded. In the end, just be true to yourself, as for those who are your real friends, should understand you as a true person and support you.
Next time you wanna rant, send emails to us instead :P
P.S. I like your t-shirt ler :P
cyn... thanks for all ur kind words, i appreciate it and love you always...
eileen... thanks 2 for staying true & blue wif mikemmery, unfortunately not all understands me and us bloggers... blog without fear my dear...
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