I hope it is not too late to congratulate Fabian for his daughter's birthday. We had great party back @ his place.
Now back to work, first day in office after a much needed rest & break, unpacked and moved to my new seating in the office. I will be officially taking charge of Business Development in my company, many said it is a promotion, thanks for the credit though, for me, it is a new challenge where I believe I can excel much better than what I currently do.
As working place is now like a second home to me now, I always tried to make it really felt homely and cosy, thanks to Nicole for the pillow she gave me as X'mas gift, I need that badly :)
Nowadays, the amount of time spent on blogging getting lesser & lesser due to much work commitment and by the time I wanted to write some stuff with quality, my brain would have already drained out. And if you can see, most of the pictures I posted lately were snapped with LG Viewty, it is indeed an amazing substituition to a digital camera compared to other camera phone.
A single for a year now, many asked When? When? And when? No worries, if there is fate, I will not say no right?
bro, leave the old love behind...she's on ur heart, just like a TATTOO...new year, new challenges, new resolution, new camera phone, new life!!! cheers bro...happy new year 2008!!!
Happy New Year 2008, may the new year brings u new love, new relationship and many many blessings. Cograts on ur being promoted. All the best!
Happy new year bro... wah bila when wanna belanja after yr promo ???? Hehe..nice table...BTW wats out Angkor Wat ticket doing there ??
chris... no worries mate, once in a blue moon it felt good to be missing someone rite? :)
jane... happy new yr 2 u too, thanks thanks thanks...
alan... happy new yr 2 u as well...
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