Now 2007, I wouldn't want to talk much the past, though it is not a superb year as in overall, I have not much complain about it but the best part all in all was the networking I gained through my work & through blogging. Thanks and it will be definitely something that I will continue to cherish in many years to come. And in times of difficulties, I got to thank a friend who had been through thick & thin the time I needed him the most, thanks brother (I guess he knew who I meant, he is a loyal reader of my blog too)
And talking bout resolutions for 2008... firstly, I wish love for all, I wish love to my family; my parents, my sister & my 2 younger brothers. And to all my friends; family is everything, love & treasure them while you can. For my friends who are attached, hope the relationship gets stronger as ever and hopefully to see some of my friends walk the aisle (wedding bells ringing), for my single friends, let's make 2008 a year full with parties k (I'm single, call me!!!)

Ok now for myself, I had set my personal goal on career wise. I wish that I can make a breakthrough in my new department together with my compatriot Jeremy. Let's work hard towards our goal and enjoy the fruits together!
Relationship put aside, that is not my main priority at the very moment. Best wishes to the girls who once walked together with me (if they happened to read this lah). And of all the girls, the one who had been my shadow all these times, Emmery, good luck in your new undertakings k. Will pray for you.
Traveling will also be my main objectives for 2008. 2007 been special, I had been to a few beautiful destinations and will continue this for this coming year. Destinations that top my list,
1. Japan
2. China
3. Hong Kong (visit my sis)
4. Thailand
5. Australia
And my wishlist for 2008, arrrghhhhhhhhhhhh.... I want a MACBOOK!!!!

And secondly, an iPhone, no more obligation using a certain brand phone now. iPhone certainly top on my list :)

And I am taking this opportunity here to wish all my readers a very happy 2008. Happy New Year!!! I love you all!!!
ps: this post entry was done for the very first time with a MacBook
may you have a fabulous year ahead mike!!!
not sure if i can meet you guys at cafecafe, but will try :)
Fulamak...i foresee a fruitful year ahead for u bro...all the best!
As for the guy who've been with u thru thick and thin, let me reveal myself...yes it's me...LOL...*just kidding* laaa...whoever that is, u got a true friend there...
Happy New Year 2008!
may all ur wishes come true...
Happy New Year!
Hope you get all that you wanted, good health and a 2008 that's full of prosperities!
I see banyak apples. Hehe. All the best to you oh. Happy New Year!
mynx... thx thx... hope the same 4 u 2...
chris... hehehehe, all the best 2 u too... and sorry, u perasan too much :P
jane... thx 4 being loyal reader...
seizhin... same 2 u, thx 4 accompanyin mikemmery throughout the year...
silverisle... ya, becoming apple freak now...
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