Monday, December 10, 2007

More ADs From Nuffnang

After I removed totally Advertlets ads from my space, my site seems to load faster than before, I am not sure if my readers felt the same or not, and for those who came in Malaysian IP can actually see that I have 2 new ads for this week.

Although my site was not chosen for the LG Viewty campaign as of today (I am working for LG... wtf) , but
Nokia advertised on mine... yippee... and also the campaign for "Kerana Karina" replacing the previous Guiness ad. I can see more Ads coming in since I fully removed Advertlets from my site.

And I had been receiving mails from readers & bloghoppers asking me to compile cases of bloggers being conned by Advertlets, there is even one who left comment in my previous posts, his willingness to share about Advertlets owner private life. Fellow bloggers, if you had any bad experiences with that company, and if you happened to blog about it, leave your permalink on the comment box, I shall compile it and share with the rest. Check out my other 2 posts about them here & here.

My very first album review tomorrow.... stay tune...


Pam Song said...

Hmmm. That's a read I'd very much like to take time going through.

Pam Song said...

WHOA! Your surname is Song!? Like for real?

MikeM said...

jason... need ur assistance also lar...

pamsong... thanks for the read & my surname indeed Song :)

Melissa said...

is advertlets really that lousy? oh man..hmmmm...

MikeM said...

melissa... im serious, do i sound like im joking? hehehe... advertlets sucks to the max!


haha..nice to read!!!

Sulaiman Sabur said...

more about advertlets suckness >>