It had been a while since my last update. Too many things happened which I dont know where to start updating. I checked my hotmail this morning @ office, saw a banner and mouse over, guess what? BN trying to win votes from the Net-izens. After bloggers being labelled and called monkeys, liars, etc. The banner is so misleading, Vote for Malaysia? Should be changed to Vote for BN instead. I do not want my country to suffer eventhough I do know our PM had been working so hard for Malaysia.

To many things happened to me, mainly bad. Shall elaborate more when I do feel like to vomit it out. For the time being, enjoy the below video, it's blardy cool...
what happened? i'm so sorry. trust that you will be strong to come out of it. take care.
undi, jangan tak undi...have to agree with mick, lets carry out our responsibilities and practise our voting rights...and most importantly, get it right...cheers
jane... will tell u more later...
chris... let's vote wisely... VOTE for CHANGE!!!
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