This year as well, the Horse will offend the Tai Sui (simplified Chinese: 太岁), thanks to Mom who is doing the praying on my behalf. I try not to believe what is going to happen to many other Horses this year as my dad is one of the Horses in the family as well but as of to date, luck had not been on my side, I really put my belief of "2 Choices" to a very strong test.
Horse Wealth ~ Just before the Chinese New Year, my car was diagnosed with a serious illment and had to be admitted & I was left without a car to travel during the long holiday break. I just recently collected my car and I am poorer by RM3,000 in the very first lunar month itself. Related post here.
Horse Career ~ As I had set sight to make my career this year a remarkable one, I had put a lot of my focus this year here only to receive a call today at about 11am from Singapore that a RM3million deal had collapsed. Freaking RM3million. It did crushed my heart as I had put a lot of my heart & soul onto this project but I chose to be positive about it, and thanks to that someone special, who called & SMSed to console me, I need that a lot dear, thanks.
Horse Health ~ For the past one week or so, I had been missing and not been updating as frequent as I want to. All this down not only my tight schedule on work & personal but also because I had been unwell. I cannot even confirm with Splashmilk on the new design of my blog that he had finalized & waiting for my call to transfer everything. Mikel, if you are reading this, I sincerely apologize for the delay of my site, I sincerely wanna push it through. For the past 5 days, I had consulted doctor 3 times, and today I received a referral letter from my panel doctor to refer me to Damansara Specialist Centre. I was diagnosed with a 2-inches lump on my right ear which I am in need to go under the knife. It is a minor surgery and wish me fine. I will be admitting this Friday and get it done soonest possible as I want to practise my right as a Change Agent on the 8th March 2008. Wish me luck & wish me well... I will have limitation updating for the coming few days :)
Thanks to the special one for the words of encouragement & support given. If I am dead bored in the hospital, you promised to accompany me ya :P
Horse Relationships ~ When tough time been on the Horses' side, this is the part we seek for solitude, this is also the area that will bring us happiness, I believe at least. Though time is not right as yet, it is best to exercise patience & understanding. I also believe my family will be at my side during the time I need them the most especially Mommy & my other siblings.
Overall, it had not been a great month but I chose to be positive. It is not a farewell post but I would like to thank all my readers who had been sticking with me through thick & thin.
I will be back much stronger than ever and hopefully with a new & more refreshing look. Do vote ya!!!
It's most probably lymph nodes.
hi michael..don't be too overly worried. The "horse" may only be in your Year pillar and the other 3 pillars (made up by the Hr, Day and Month of birth) may not be the Horse element. If that is the case, the crappy luck you are having will be over pretty soon. Good luck!..me? the aspiring chinese metaphysics student :)
No worry..mate...just a small lump...can be easily treated
anonymous... finally its done...
yozo... thanks 4 words of encouragement... looking forward to the luck...
alan... it's done...
thanks to all SMS & Cbox well wishers as well...
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