Dear Mom,
My sincere apology that I can't be with you on your big day but surprise surprise I got you something. Thanks for this wonderful 29 years, your love, your guidance. Happy Birthday Mom! And I know you read my blog & I hope I make you proud, my apology if there were times when I am rebellious but deep down inside me, I love you.
Happy Happy Birthday!
With lots of XOXO & Loves,
Your fat son :)
ps: something out of context from the above mentioned title. my prayers to my fellow malaccan blogger friend, Nicole, I am proud of you too :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE!!! May u get healthier with each passing birthday!!! cheers bro!!!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Auntie!!
I'm pretty sure Mike doesnt give you headache anymore, so you definately can be proud of him!! :D
Aunty oiiiiiiii!!! HAPPY BDAY AHHHHH!! Wishing u a blessed bday and a happy new year! forever "Ching Chun mei lai" ofcoz health is da most important:)
Haha, happy birthday to your mum. Why sign off with fat son? :S Apalar ni.. wukakaka
so sweet!!! happy bday to ur mom ya!
chris... thanks thanks...
jane... thanks too...
seizhin... thanks for the wishes n kind words...
aron... hahaha, my mom will surely b happy 2 c ur msg...
princess eileen... surprise 2 c u... aiyo, im not denying the true fact mar...
slowcat... thanks thanks...
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