Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The South of Border 国境之南

Watched Cape No. 7 last night, first time watching a Taiwanese movie in fact. Storyline on a relationships 60 years ago & present. I got to admit I am touched.

60 years past, he passed away with his memories. It's beautiful. I am also captivated with the meaning of the main song of the movie titled "The South of Border". I googled and thanks to Echowillow, for the translation of the song. As I hummed along, I felt warm. Perhaps it's good to have the hope and to continue the journey.

Enjoy the song...


rú guǒ hǎi huì shuō huà

If the sea can speak


rú guǒ fēng ài shàng shā

If the wind falls in love with the gravel sands


rú guǒ yǒu xiē xiǎng niàn

If part of this longing


yí wàng zài màn cháng de cháng jià

is forgotten during the long vacation


wǒ huì ling tīng làng huā

I will listen to the waves of the ocean


ràng fēng chuī guò tóu fa

With the wind blowing through my hair


rèn jì yì lǐ de ài qíng

Letting the love in my memories


zài shí jiān cháo xì lǐ xuān huá

Roar through time and tide


fēi děi děng chūn tiān yuǎn le xià tiān cái jìn le

Only after spring has gone and summer draws near


wǒ shì zài huí shǒu shí zhōng yú dǒng de

That I, while recalling, finally understood

当阳光 再次

dāng yang guāng zài cì

When the sunlight, once again


huí dào nà piāo zhe yǔ de guó jìng zhī nán

Returns to the south of the border falling with rain


wǒ huì shì zhe bǎ nà yī nián de gù shì

I will attempt to continue on until the end


zài jiē xià qu shuō wán

the story of that year

当阳光 再次

dāng yang guāng zài cì

When the sunlight, once again


lí kāi nà tài qíng lǎng de guó jìng zhī nán

departs from the south of the border where clear skies rein


nǐ huì bù huì bǎ nǐ céng dài zǒu de ài

Will you return the love you took away


zài gào bié qián yòng wēi xiào quán guī huán

with a smile before you bid goodbye

海很 星光灿烂

hǎi hěn lán xīng guāng càn làn

The sea is very blue; the stars twinkle brightly


wǒ réng kōng zhe wǒ de bì wān

And still my arms remain empty

天很 在我独自唱歌的夜

tiān hěn kuān zài wǒ dú zì chàng gē de yè wǎn

The skies are wide; in the night when I sing alone


qǐng yuán liàng wǒ de ài sù shuō de huǎn màn

Please forgive me for telling you of my love too slowly

当阳光 再次

dāng yang guāng zài cì

When the sunlight, once again


huí dào nǎ piāo zhe yǔ de jìng zhī nán

Returns to the south of the border falling with rain


wǒ kuài shì zhe bǎ nà yī nián de gù shì

I will attempt to continue on until the end


zài jiē xià qu shuō wán

the story of that year

当阳光 再次

dāng yang guāng zài cì

When the sunlight, once again


lí kāi nà tài qíng lǎng de guó jìng zhī nán

departs from the south of the border where clear skies rein


nǐ huì bù huì bà nǐ céng dài zǒu de ài

Will you return the love you took away


zài gào bié qián yòng wēi xiào quán guī huán

with a smile before you bid goodbye

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