Last Friday, we were given option to work half a day or to work full day, I chose the latter as I had site meeting in Kajang. Myself & Andrew were the last person in the office that night till about 8PM. Left office and had this funny craving for doughnuts again, thanks to Nicole lar, I think she jangkit the craving to me, I went to the Curve to get myself half dozen of Big Apple. Can't wait till JCo opens its 2nd outlet in the Pyramid New Wing.
Packed up my stuff, and heavy downpour caused me delaying my trip back. Left KL exactly 1AM and with my ipod, journey was quite enjoyable. I had a real good rejuvenating rest back home although Pa & Ma went for their own honeymoon in Thailand. Mingled around with my siblings, relaxing at home, had good satay celup & other Malacca delicacies. And thanks to that someone who entertained me with SMSes throughout my holidays *ahem* *ahem*, I will need to go back Malacca again this coming 26th to attend a wedding on the following day, anyone wanna go down to chill, do let me know ya, I think my house can accomodate, no worries :)
To avoid the jam, myself & my brother decided to leave Malacca after lunch today. Traffic pretty a breeze, dropped my brother off at his campus and went back home, did a little clean up and over MSN, a close
M: Joe, where are you?
Me: At home lar, duh...
M: What doing at home?
Me: Doing nothing...
M: Come my place now, dinner, my mom cooks Bak Kut Teh
Me: Uhh, dont want lar, controversy. Few times ur mom saw me fetch u back, now invite dinner, wah lao, later ur mom thinks otherwise
M: Die lar u, faster come! K*** (another friend) also here.
Me: Uhh...
M: Come lar, bye...
Leave me no choice rite the msn messages? So, I bergegas changed and head towards my friend's place lar. It was a good decision to join indeed. I had a good dinner, at least the warmth of a home cooked dinner that I long craving for. Got uncle, auntie & kid around, makes the dinner more lively. Auntie cooked quite a tasty BKT but too bad not enough rice. And also the chicken wine tasted really good.
And look at her niece pic, cute kan? I love kids, anyone can give me one ar? :P
After dinner, her niece requested to play with my digicam and this is the shot she took, once in a while old man like me need to act cute can?
So how was your holidays? Arrgghh... Working day!!!
Alamak...29 oni...where got old bro??? Cmon...life begins at 30 man...cheh wahhhhh...hahhahahhaa
ai yo... act so cute can die :p
Donuts!!!! Bak Kut Teh!!!! Yummy.... so nice!!! I m hungry aready...
Nah… a man’s life start at 40, got status and money… women just come along…. OMG, act cute. Wakakakaka….. Eh, you still sore throat ar? *ahem ahem*
Ooopsss was it 40? ai seh man...i tot 30...mick then 'our men's life' will have to be delayed another decade or so, CAN???
chris... u r wrong... it starts @ 40 can?
nico... im glad u r here to comment again... will act cute more, can?
alistair... sorry always make u hungry...
princess eileen... hopefully sore throat gets better *ahem* cant wait to b 40 yrs old then...
chris... let's delay another decade can? now we no life as yet... :P
That's 11 more years. Wow, you are so young... so long more to go. hahaha
Shit...no life yet man...women belum start to walk in yet...!!!
Hey what about ladies...life starts at what age??? Someone enlighten me, CAN?
princess eileen... im still young meh? droppin hair d leh...
chris... ladies i dunno start at wat age.... oi, at least u got ah sou already k... :P
Hehe but princess eileen said at 40, got status and money edi, WOMEN just come along mah, CAN?
By the way mick, who's that K***(another fren) ha? Tell me CAN?
Hey young man. The BKT looks so inviting lar.... u r 1 hell of a lucky bloke.....
I dont enjoy holiday....work during all 3 days....and I know who is that M...wahahahaha...
go meet ur princess then u may get one kid urself and no need ask from others .. gee~~
Kelam kabut... It seems like everyone of your fren is mentioning a potential princess name.... Wah, hot item, dun play play.
Chris, gals what age is golden ar? My age lar. Wukakakakaka... You dun agree on the part i say women just come along?
chris... can can... dont follow my end phrase can? aiya, dont simply predict who my princess lar k, u think u nostradamus meh?
alan... u very old meh now? dont overdo the exercise in bedroom lar...
albert... take it easy ya, of cos u know tat M lar... hehehe... how?
maegen... wah, u say meet then meet meh? i got a big heart mar, mayb i adopt one leh?
princess eileen... yalor, so many princess dunno out fr where the name come out, who is hot item? :P
Mick I am not Nostradamus la...I am John Titor CAN? hahaha
Eileen, i'm not so sure about that ler...hmmmm something to ponder
wukakkaka... chris, this is the posting in my history u commented so much... thanks 4 ur support mate...
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