I couldn't find a picture any better than this in support to call & reach more readers about what happening this month. I was wearing pink with my buddy checking on my breast...
YES, this month is the wear pink ribbon month - breast cancer awareness month. After reading on Princess' blog, I felt I got a duty to spread this. I call on all females not to neglect this simple practise as the possibility of breast cancer worldwide is incredibly high at 1:4 (in every 4 females, there is one positively contracted breast cancer). Guys out there, you have a duty too k if you are attached or married. I used to bring my ex for padsmear test without fail on schedule. Do your part if you love your loved ones.
And something off topic from the above mentioned, I will be holding a small get together-gether this Saturday at the Curve. I was chatting with another blogger friend few days back, we were thinking to have a yam char session together as it had been a while since we last met up at the MS Tech Ed, so the yam char session originally was both of us, so we thought we gonna be a bit chicky and make a call to perhaps a small groupie who reads our blogs or bloggers we linked together. Interested? Check out the banner below, do let me know your participation ya. Do remember this is not a gathering for some sort of bloggers gathering, just a yam char TCSS session. As of now, we already got 2 pax, hope to see new faces turning up ya!!! Keep in touch
1) Failure Today, Success Tomorrow
2) The Dissected Mind

wuuuuuuuu.......... blogger gathering... I mean blogger yam char.... wuuuuuu......
It's coffee char....
So sad, cant participate.
princess eileen, wanna join??? can add me on msn or not???
seizhin... the next time if i go hatyai, i call u???
I wish i could join you people. But, too bad.. I am 200km away from KL. :( Better luck next time for me! Anyway, have fun!
puvannan... it takes less than 2 hours to reach here though if 200km, if there is a will, there is a way...
hmm... i'm 400km away while your yam-cha-ing ... = )
maegen... enjoy ur holidays and dont forget my souvenir
hmm.... i'm already out of s'pore when i saw this wo .. haaa~~~ so thr is no souvenir for u though. or let me check check is thr any left for you .. muahaa~~
hehehe maegen... i dont care, i want my souvenir.... :P
hey .. i found something for u .. haa~~ but don't blame me .. i'll keep it for u ..or .. just give me ur add i'll post for u though. muahaa~~
maegen... thanks, dont post to me, at least we got a reason to meet up soon... :)
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