I am gonna walk down the memory lane a bit today. Do you have a hero when you were much younger? One hero that really accompanying at least my growing years, nonetheless Mr. Stallone himself playing Rambo. Remember the one man show killing rampage that made Jackie Chan another sissy on its category :P
Yeah, First Blood was here when I am about 4 years of age that was back in 1982 and I believe many readers of mine were not even born then, see how old uncle Mike is :)

Then we have First Blood : Part 2 and followed by Rambo 3. I still remember, pimping the gaming arcades back then (20cents only) and we had a game made popular by Rambo also.

Introducing Green Beret, I am sure many of my peers played this before and I once landed myself in the police station because underage mar that time.

And peeps, guess how old is Sylvester Stallone now? Whopping 61 years of age peeps, now who said man's life starts at 40? And my utmost salute to Mr. Stallone aka Rambo aka Rocky, introducing John Rambo set for release in 2008.
Call me unromantic, which princess wanna dating with me for John RAMBO??? :P
ish.. ish ... so bloody .. @.@
I think princess will stick to date romantic, lame, CLEAN prince... Have you heard of princess dating a rambo? You wanna create history ar? Wukakaka
maegen, 61 yrs old uncle still kick ass leh...
princess eileen, but RAMBO can protect u mar... hahaha... history in the making... :P
fulamak mick...the game was the talk of the town man that time...got cheat codes some more...
alamak give rambo a kiss and he turns into a prince instantly...hehehe...
Wah rambo..i wanna see.
Eii princess , Rambo Song wanna date u..also no give face meh ??? Hehehe
chris... it really bought us back some memories...
alan... must watch!!! uhh to clarify alan, u referring the princess as who? dont start grapevine pls...
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