Check out his latest post. Thanks to him we know that there is someone who is representing the rakyat claimed that wheelchair-bound individual is a punishment from God. Which God he prays to? I am wondering.
Out of context a bit - my past post on Maxis Broadband, many have requested me to give my review & feedback on this service. OK, this is just my 2 cents and my very humble opinion. Since I am not being paid to review this, I will just share the reason I chose Maxis instead of other operators. Celcom, I do know that they provide a Vodafone modem of this size too at a rate RM120 (I am not sure) while Maxis is RM138, a mere RM18 difference. Reason of sticking to Maxis (also my mobile operator) because of the satisfaction that I had enjoyed all this while from the customer service.
Speed wise - Maxis claimed that with HSDPA coverage, it can goes up to 3.6MBps. I am staying in Bandar Kinrara 2 with UMTS connection. The average speed I enjoy here over my place is about 600Kbps which I have no complain at all as I am not a torrent or downloading kaki.
Service - Maxis also provide another broadband service with a slightly bigger & bulkier modem. I chose this USB Wireless Broadband reason being I want to be mobile and able to check my mail, blog reading & updating anywhere, wherever, whenever I want. Even if I am not at an area with HSDPA/UMTS coverage, the modem will auto switch to either EDGE or GPRS connection, again decent connection as I had been through those dial-up era. Frankly, we cannot compare this to Streamyx in terms of its speed. Streamyx ain't mobile and you need a fixed line to get the service, to me it is really depend on your personal requirement.
As for other wireless services, DiGi we can understand that their connection is only up to Edge as they are not granted the 3G or 3.5G tender at this time yet. We have Izzi but the one time payment that we need to fork out for the wireless card is pretty ridiculous. But with more players in the wireless market, the one who will benefit is definitely us right? Click on the banner ad below for more info on the coverage & packages offered by Maxis :)
I am not a very technical guy, this is what I feel, hope I do not bore some princesses who read my blog ya ;P OK OK, check out the special music video done for Jeff a while ago by a famous blogger ya :)
Muahahahahaha..... princess say princess lar.. no need to say princesses... I admit I not technology savvy. Btw, I didnt read the post. Wukaka.. I see Maxis, Celcom and then that's it :P
Haha the rakyat rep ( Datuk K ) would receive his own punishment from god !!!! Sitting on a wheelchair means punished by god ??? Wat about an expecting mum being whelled into the delivery room ??? A god punishment too ??? In the end we would know who is being punished !!!!
I was interested in this but unfortunately my area (Kg Desa Aman) is not covered so have to settle with streamyx. But the downside of this is only limited to 1 user (or is it?) whereas streamyx can be shared by many within the same household (I use a wireless router). This will take some business away from streamyx but not necessarily by a big margin.
princess eileen.... ;) wink wink
alan... sometimes funny lar these politican's thinking
anony... ya tis is limited to only one user at a time, streamyx, u can hav multiple access point wif a router :)
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