So the package is pretty OK, pay up activation fees of RM 100 and monthly charges is RM 138. And being able to get connected almost anywhere, wtf is RM 138? Anyway, I am pretty sure they will review their price pretty soon because Celcom got the same package at lower rate. So what you got in the box? A very cute oval shape modem, USB cable & setup CD (only for MAC user). For Windows user, pretty easy to set up, just plug in and auto install the program.
My place here, UMTS (3G) signal is detected. No complain as maximum transfer rate I ever experienced over at my place is around 1MB/sec. Pretty reasonable for me, as I don't do torrent or MP3 downloading. Most of the time blog hopping and updating only, normal mails checking.
And being Maxis Broadband user is not that bad after all, they chose to advertise on my blog. And I am not being paid to review this, Maxis is fortunate enough to have an user like me :P , and from their database eh, I had been using Maxis for quite some years, and being a good paymaster, they gave me a pretty decent limit for my mobile :)
With all this broadband thingy made so mobile, who needs streamyx? For more info, click on the banner ad below. The ad will be running until end of the week :)
i saw the exact same modem with different cover in japan - its actually a huawei modem.
If you're not a torrent fans who used to download songs and movies everyday, I think maxis broadband is suitable to you. Because my friends subscribed maxis broadband and she feels quite slow when downloading songs
I was thinking of getting one too. Somehow, want to wait for the price to drop a bit.. somemore don't know how good the service is here in Miri or east Malaysia. Thanks for the info. :D
paultan... im overwhelmed with ur presence here, one of the biggest malaysian blogger leaving a mark here... yes, it is a huawei modem...
mercury... im not very much a torrent fan, normal bloggin n mail reading, MSN it would be ok for Maxis...
zhen... as long as ur area is 3G covered, it should be ok...
Hi Mike !!
Been a while but I couldnt get on due to computer problem.
The PSU seems to get overheated easily last time and there's this burning smell coming out from my CPU. Prob is they said nothing's wrong but I know the PSU's fan stops working sometime.
Anyways, I wish this kind of service exist in Had Yai as well.
Working in pharmacy with an internet is a total bliss.
hi seizhin... good 2 c u here again... how much is internet broadband over in Hadyai?
1070 baht per month for a 1mb speed.
Though I get 2mb for the same price due to a promotion.
Speed actually never gets that fast though.
seizhin... that is quite affordable, normally the speed does not reach as wat it claimed
for me it too slow upload/download,connection not stable,always timeout,require to browse maxisbb website before can browse or use internet,your (windows auto update/NTP/antivirus update etc,not working),maxis filter everything,worst than stimix.
Maxis brodband memeng suck macam cibai... lambat giler.. macam siput babi.. pas tu selalu putus putus lak tu... bangsat betul.. aku surf kat shah alam.. dia kata ade 3.5G.. tapi 3.5 kali gampang
jangan pakai itu bodoh punye broadband.. pakai lain punye brand takpe
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