This was back in 2003, I brought my ex-gf to this special place and celebrated her birthday with her, our first year together. I still remember vividly, it happened at TGIF, One Utama. I remembered going there early to arrange the little surprise for her that night. We had great time, the crew gave a good birthday song & a cake and we had our very first photo together.
Fridays too hold my farewell party arranged by my ex-colleagues. We really had a 'siao' & fun time together. This was back in 2006 at Fridays, The Curve and what arranged for me that night indeed moved my heart.
I was made to stand on the chair to give my farewell speech and the crew sang me a farewell song. The crew had been a great fun bunch throughout my outings @ Fridays.
Check out the bill...
We had group photo taken as well. Thanks to all my buddies & Fridays. We even had a video that does not hold any significant meaning. Check out the video below....
Back in 2006 again, I celebrated my birthday with my ex. My last birthday celebration with her before we decided a separation for good. It was again the best birthday I had had throughout the years. Check out the special note she scribbled (I am still keeping it). She knew I always love the juicy Jack Daniel Steak so she took the trouble to arrange this for me...
Had one of my best fulfilling meal that night... And I miss her greatly...
And just recently celebrated one of my buddy's birthday there.
Fridays had decorated my life indeed, from friends to loved ones, from colleagues to my family. It always hold a special place in my heart.
Keep it up Fridays!
aiyah... commented wrongly just now...
anyway... you makan so much a friday's already... no need to get free vouchers la.
Phewww how time flies...those were great memories...i mean with know what, i really thought you'll be the next to get married among us bros...with her of coz...but keep the faith, good things will come your way ler...i think i shud comment on Fridays rather than emmery....but I guess your pictures of TGIFridays will always be painted with Emmery in it...cheers bro..
hehehe... zewt taikor, i do not mind leh u commented wrongly, it is indeed an honor to hav u reading my blog... im not targetin the free voucher leh, im targeting the rm1000 prize money
chris... hey mate, thanks a lot lar brother... i still keepin the faith there... we'll see...
Wah, that's lot of memories. Haha, you even post your ex photos. Hmmm... I will not do that. I dun want my ex's gfs come after me :P Did you ask permission? One of my ex have to tell me not to mention a word about him in my blog... Weird huh?
I celebrated ppl's birthday a couple of times in TGIF, but never my own. Hehe... I love their "on the chair" & birthday song :) Btw, I had TGIF last friday! :P
Please win the RM1000 and treat me to TGIF :P or J.Co. Hehehe
heyya princess... when talkin bout Fridays, those were the sweetest memories... i dont think my ex will come after me... becos she knew tat eventually she & me, we had a good 4 yrs together, a peaceful breakup... dont worry, ur next bday, celebrate 4 u @ TGIF???
Me also want to go Fridays... :)
jayce... come, let's go together...
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