I came on a few occassions citing giant billboards along highway applauding the Angkasawan project. This is one seriously overrated project that caused us Malaysian taxpayers a bomb (appx US$20mil or so). And what's next installed for this space tourist? Datukship I bet, cover stories on local newspaper & magazines. And perhaps he should sing Taylor Hicks "Do I Make You Proud?" song as soon as he lands. And this joker can announce on his blog the food that he's gonna bring to space. Although he had since monopolized the local media headlines, he is just a mere peanut in the blogosphere.
There are far more juicy and hot facts thanks to the online world. I guess the media must be too busy covering the space project that they had forgotten about this video.
Ahh... correct, correct, correct... I had also found this interesting blog by an 18-year-old Malaysian who wrote beautiful stuff about the Judiciary controversy. And do you also know, ACA given ultimatum to PKR Vice President, R Sivarasa & party worker, Sim Tze Tzin to give details of the source of the video or risk going to jail. I mean wtf? Kind people who exposed the video risk going to jail when names mentioned in the video are still at large? Seriously wtf.
Now are we proud or saddened? Think again.
Wat to do mate ??? Bolehland mah. The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer. The whistle blower risk getting jailed, are they trying to warn others that, if u expose us, you wont live to see us kena caught ????
I scare to comment... hahaha...
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. I learn to mingle with the culture of the country by saying what ppl wants to hear, after all I am still 2nd class citizen, beware with my words ya. Ok, better stop before I wrote an essay :P
alan... malaysia boleh tapi tak nak...
princess eileen... dont worry, anything happen 2 u, i protect u :P
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