Today lim peh wanna take a break writing about the phone. Quite a number of lim peh's friends making noise already saying this blog gonna be another liewcf already. No lah, lim peh excited mar new phone, sure write more lor, OK now lim peh write another thing can? Don't angry lim peh k.
Since it was a national holiday yesterday, lim peh went to the much talked about "Ah Long Pte. Ltd" with one chio bu. Overall, lim peh found that the story line not really good but if you wanna have a good laugh, lim peh highly recommend you but be warned, you must understand Hokkien in order to enjoy the jokes like lim peh did.

Day before lim peh also went for a Thai movie, "Deadly Ghost". If you like Nang Nak & Shutter, lim peh guarantee you sure like this wan one. Actually lim peh's date suggested this movie wan, she actually very scared wan, so sat beside her, not easy lor. Lim peh's shoulder kena cubit like hell. Nabeh, her fingernails damn blardy long, luckily lim peh got a lot of flesh to spare. Overall, lim peh also enjoy lar.
And now, those lowyat & mypdacafe kaki going to complain d, saying lim peh write too much about movie. Sorry lor, lim peh never forget you all wan. Lim peh wanna share some cun pictures taken with the KS20. Although it is not Schneider Konek (I dunno how to spell lar) lens, still no complain about the pictures, lim peh dunno how to use Photochop wan, so don't accuse lim peh edit k. Real unedited photos.

OK.. OK... TGIF, lim peh wanna siam already... see you all tomorrow :)
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