Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Singlehood Month # 7 (Shining Moment)

It had been 7 months, the only day today every month that I can let go what is inside me about her. At the moment, LG runs a pretty interesting campaign on "LG Shining Moment", I had an entry myself on behalf of her name. She does not know about this but well a lot of things if it is sincere and truthful, I believe she wouldn't mind I used her name to post our Shining Moment together.

So here's the entry and how it goes like. The entry was submitted by myself under her name as my status, I am illegible to participate but not the intention to win anything, I just wanna be part of the Shining Moment campaign as I believe it had touches many hearts of those who went to the site. In the event that the wordings in the picture are too tiny to figure out what my message was, it goes like this "The jewel of my life who brought colours and shine to my life. Our many first time experiences together will always remained the shining moment of my life. To thoughtful you from thankful me." Attached also the very final picture taken together during my birthday last year (Nov 6th, 2006).

Each and everyone of us, we had our shining moment and this entry amazingly or rather a surprise had won a consolation prize, she will be expecting the prize to be sent to her soon, I believe so.
So buddies, friends, relatives, readers & colleagues who are reading this post, allow me today to express my inner feeling every month this date. Overall, those who knew me, you know I am doing alright ya.

Teaser: Tomorrow a pretty interesting TOY will be revealed in mikemmery, stay tune.


tulipspeaks said...

im touched, buddy!



MikeM said...

thanks tulips...